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Dynamically Adapted Mesh Construction for the Efficient Numerical Solution of a Singular Perturbed Reaction-diffusion-advection Equation


This  work develops  a theory  of the  asymptotic-numerical investigation of the  moving fronts  in reaction-diffusion-advection models.  By considering  the  numerical  solution  of the  singularly perturbed Burgers’s  equation  we discuss a method  of dynamically  adapted mesh  construction that is able to significantly  improve  the  numerical  solution  of this  type of equations.  For  the  construction we use a priori information that is based  on the  asymptotic analysis  of the  problem.  In  particular, we take  into account the information about  the speed of the transition layer, its width  and structure. Our algorithms  are able to reduce significantly complexity and enhance stability of the numerical  calculations in comparison  with classical approaches for solving this class of problems.  The numerical  experiment is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed  method.

The article  is published  in the authors’  wording.


About the Authors

Dmitry V. Lukyanenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

PhD, Faculty of Physics.

1, bld.  2 Leninskiye Gory, Moscow,  GSP-1, 119991

Vladimir T. Volkov
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

PhD, Faculty of Physics.

1, bld.  2 Leninskiye Gory, Moscow,  GSP-1, 119991

Nikolay N. Nefedov
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian Federation

professor, Dr.  Sci.,Faculty of Physics.

1, bld.  2 Leninskiye Gory, Moscow,  119991


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For citations:

Lukyanenko D.V., Volkov V.T., Nefedov N.N. Dynamically Adapted Mesh Construction for the Efficient Numerical Solution of a Singular Perturbed Reaction-diffusion-advection Equation. Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems. 2017;24(3):322-338.

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